version 5.0 " Set to no vi compatibility mode set nocompatible " turn on verbosity " set verbose=10 " define the top hel file set helpfile=$VIM/doc/help.txt " no scrolling acceptable set ttyscroll=0 " create backups set backup " the backup extension set bex=.bak " the backup directories set backupdir=~/tmp,.,~/,/tmp " no mouse in xterm set mouse= " do not wrap lines set nowrap " show the ruler set ruler "don't add two spaces after ., ?, ! set nojoinspaces " define the viminfo file set viminfo='50,"1000,:50,n~/.viminfo " allow the cursor to wrap on anything set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,] " set the characters shown for special cases (must be turned on with set list) se listchars=extends:»,eol:¶,trail:·,tab:»­ " allow backspace to delete newlines and beyond the start of the insertion point set backspace=2 " use autoindentation set ai " we have a fast terminal connection set ttyfast " wildmode: complete to longest match, list on second tab set wildmode=longest,list " default make program to use set makeprg=gmake " the error format works for gcc, javac, jikes (32) (after filtering) set errorformat=%f:%l:%c:%m,%f:kk%l:\ %m,In\ file\ included\ from\ %f:%l:,\^I\^Ifrom\ %f:%l%m,\"%f\"\\\,\ line\ %l.%c:%m\,\ %f:%l:%m,%f:%l:%c:%m " write buffers automagically when leaving them set autowrite " recognize ^M files set textauto " check one line for commands in each file set modelines=1 " insert sw spaces when using tab in front of a line set smarttab " insert tabs as spaces set expandtab " set incremental search set incsearch " highlight all search results set hlsearch " set the minimum window height set winminheight=0 " set highlight mode " set highlight=8b,@-,db,es,lb,mb,M-,nu,rs,sr,tb,vr,ws " suffixes to put to the end of the list when completing file names set suffixes=.bak,~,.o,.h,.info,.swp,.class " patterns to put to ignore when completing file names set wildignore=*.bak,~,*.o,*.info,*.swp,*.class " get syntax highlighting let mysyntaxfile = "$VIM/mysyntax/mysyntax.vim" source $VIM/syntax/syntax.vim " get special definitions for different file types source $VIM/set/set.vim " get directory browser source $VIM/mymacros/dir.vim " map to switch from no dead keys to normal and to html dead keys imap a map :source $VIM/set/text_dead.vim " source the file macros " so $VIM/macros/file_select.vim " Map F1 to the ESC key in insert mode (useful if ESC and F11 are pretty close together) imap [11~  " Map F1 to help map [11~ :h " Map F8 to show the syntax coloring for a character map :echo synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") "map [ and ] to jump up and down the tag list map , :tp map . :tn " map ja n6_!!ls -C *.java :se nomodified " map l fp6_1R1Gp " map c ?\< v/\> hy:split ".java " imap [11~ :h " map [12~ :w :make " imap [12~ :w :make " map [13~ :cp " imap [13~ :cp " map [14~ :cn " imap [14~ :cn " imap {} { }O " imap /** /** " imap / / " imap [3~ bdwa set timeout timeoutlen=400 ":se t_mr= ":se t_so= "se t_te=[?47l8 "se t_ti=7[?47h