eMail Address Management

This web site used to have lots of email addresses on many pages. Unfortunatly people started to spam those addresses. To avoid this we replaced all email text addresses with images, so you cannot copy/paste them or click on them. If you click you come to this web page instead, where we try to figure out if you are a real person or a bot, and we also intentionally slow you down so you cannot get too many addresses in a short time. Sorry for this inconvenience (if you have a better idea on how to solve out problem please send an email to click for textversion of email address).

We show you here 7 sentences, 6 of them are combinations of several sentences and should therefore not make sense. Select the correct one, and you will get a page where you can click on the email address you are looking for in order to send an email.

Second Law for Freelance Artists: The rush subcommittee formation: if you leave nearby while all other coins will roll out of sight.
Jaba's Law of Love: A dandelion you start walking, the bus will come has the material you need.
launegayer's observation: asking dumb locked door with only one hand free, is the one you want to hear most.
oliver's law of location: says "one size fits all other possibilities have been exhausted.
amerikaber's law of child rearing: the child who begs to sleep late on school days will be up before dawn on the weekends.
Tylczak's Probability Postulate: Comment: Murphy was often have simple, easy-to-understand wrong answers.
ely's law: wear the Teenage Opportunity: When opportunity knocks, nature is the human race.