=============================================================================== Name misuse of ignores gathers heavy reads useless banned robots.txt robots.txt emails load cgi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- imagelock ? Y N Y Y Y host cyveillance N Y N N Y Y host 205.227.165.* N N ? Y Y Y host N Y ? N N ? host Microsoft URL Controldnl N Y ? N N ? robot ===============================================================================
This company offers the service to find illegal copies of images and text files that have been stolen from a website. To do this they regularly try to find all images stored on the web. They sell this service and therefore make money from accessing my site without actually giving back anything. As their robot also reads cgi scripts and traveresses the site as fast as possible all accesses from the imagelock servers (using IP numbers 209.133.111.*) have been banned.
This company offers the same service as imagelock.com, plus has programs that scans newsgroups and chat rooms for "bad" comments about a company. They sell this service and therefore make money from accessing my site without actually giving back anything. As their robot also reads cgi scripts all accesses from the imagelock servers (using IP numbers*) have been banned.
I was not able to figure out why this robot was indexing my site. It did it with an amazing speed (450 hits in 50 seconds) and accessed lots of cgi scripts not meant for robots. All accesses from the IP number 205.227.165.* have been blocked.
This robot seems to be used by different sites. At least some of them ignore the robots.txt file, and consequently this robot has been banned from this site.